Dr. Luis Contin Neto

- Plastic Surgeon by the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery.
- Title of Specialist by Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery.
- Titular member by the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery.
- Member of International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).
- General Surgeon by Hospital do Servidor Público do Estado de São Paulo.
- Internship in Plastic Surgery by Unisanta-Serviço "Dr. Ewaldo Bolivar" under regency of Dr Osvaldo Saldanha.
- Doctor at the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein.
- Book author “CIRURGIA PLASTICA - A Arte no Corpo”.
- Clinical Internship Ivo Pitanguy - Rio de Janeiro.
- ATLS – Advanced Trauma Life Support.
- ACLS – Advanced Cardiologic Life Support.
- PHTLS – Pré – Hospital Life Support.
- Several papers published and presented at international congresses.
International Experience:
- Apprendiceship na Universidade de Harvard- Boston-USA.
- Fellowship no Centro Medico Teknon-Barcelona-Espanha.
- Estágio na Mannheimer Klinic- Mannheim-Alemanha.